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Volume 29 - Number 2

March/April 2013

pg 55

Treatment and Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Within an Ambulatory Care Network

Robert J Romanelli, Angela Leahy, Trevor Jukes, Denis Y Ishisaka

pg 61

Do Sugar Substitutes Have Any Impact on Glycemic Control in Patients with Diabetes?

Erin M Timpe Behnen, McKenzie C Ferguson, Amy Carlson

pg 66

methylphenidate Abuse: A Literature Review

ModaPharma, Andrea D Fass

pg 72

Role of CYP450 in Antiplatelet Therapy: Considerations for Patients at Risk for Further Cardiovascular or Cerebrovascular Problems

Chase E Linn, Niren K Shah, Benjamin J Epstein

pg 88

Iron Supplementation and Epoetin Alfa in a Jehovah’s Witness with Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia

Rebecca L Dunn, Steve M Blevins

pg 94

Etizolam - thienodiazepine: A Case Report

Lydia Mis, Jeffrey M Clarke on a Etizolam

pg 99

Raltegravir-Induced Rash in a Patient Receiving Rifampin

Patricia Pecora Fulco, Jane Kaatz


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