Survey for the journal of Pharmacy Technology (jPT)

1. Based on your professional level, please rate the overall appropriateness of the articles
    presented in jPT.

    Very appropriate   Satisfactory   Too complex   Too basic

2. Please check which of the following jPT features/topics offer the most benefit to you.

   Calendar of Events
   Drug Reactions
   Drug Therapy of Diseases
   From the Literature
   New Drug Research

New Products
New Publications/Book Reviews
Pharmacy Focus
Test Your Knowledge
Therapeutic Trends

3. Where is your practice site?

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing "excellent" and 1 representing "much
    improvement needed," and compared to other similar journals, how would you rate jPT?

5. How many pharmacists practice at your site?
    How many pharmacy technicians practice at your site?

6. How many of those technicians are nationally certified?

7. Where did they receive their training?     

8. Including yourself, please estimate how many staff members, colleagues, etc., read
   your copy of jPT.

9. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 representing "very economical" and 1 representing "greatly
    beyond market value," how would you rate the cost of a year's subscription to jPT?

10. How can jPT better serve your needs?

Thank you!