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Roles for Pharmacy Technicians in Community Pharmacy Practice Accreditation

Cleopatra C Mihalopoulos, Mary F Powers

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Objective: To review community pharmacy accreditation and identify opportunities for pharmacy technicians to help community pharmacies meet accreditation standards.

Data Sources: Articles were identified through MEDLINE/PubMed (2001-2012) using search terms designed to locate English-language articles describing the role of the pharmacy technician, community pharmacy accreditation, and health care reform. Additionally, resources on community pharmacy accreditation and health care reform were used from the Institutes of Medicine, American Pharmacists Association, Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy, Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation, and Utilization Review Accreditation Commission.

Study Selection and Data Extraction: Articles describing the role of the pharmacy technician, community pharmacy accreditation, and health care reform were included.

Data Synthesis: Pharmacy technicians can help community pharmacies meet accreditation standards by taking on specific roles under 5 main domains: practice management, patient counseling, patient care services, technology, and quality improvement. Technicians can help by engaging in management-related tasks; improving communication between pharmacists, patients, and providers; and collecting and analyzing pharmacy data. Further, with proper training, pharmacy technicians can take on an expanded role to aid pharmacists with advanced patient care services and quality improvement measures.

CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacy technicians can play a vital role in helping pharmacies meet standards necessary for community pharmacy accreditation.

J Pharm Technol 2013;29:111-7

To request full article click here.

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