Amee D Mistry, Karen W Lee, and Matthew R Machado
To request full article click here. Background: Managing body weight is important for a patient’s overall well-being. Developing a weight management program for patients is a basis for providing structure and assistance to patients who may not understand what is necessary to achieve a healthy body weight. Objective: To describe implementation of a pharmacist-run weight management program in a community pharmacy. Methods: From July to December 2007, we created a weight management program which was implemented in January 2008 in a community pharmacy setting by utilizing nutritional information readily available online, purchasing commercially available weight management machines, and offering counseling sessions. Results: Preliminary results show that patients have been able to decrease their weight with the assistance of this pharmacist-run program. CONCLUSIONS: A community pharmacy–based weight management program can assist patients in decreasing their total body weight and give pharmacists an opportunity to be involved in managing obesity. J Pharm Technol 2011;27:229-38. To request full article click here. |