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PTEC Introduces Executive Director

Mary E Mohr

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The education and training requirements for pharmacy technicians is a topic that has elicited much discussion in the past few years. The profession seems to be gravitating toward a consensus that some standards must be established, but there is still disagreement about the exact framework that should be mandated. The Pharmacy Technician Educators Council (PTEC) is committed to providing quality educational experiences to produce an ample supply of skilled, qualified pharmacy technicians to meet the needs of the profession. PTEC has appointed Gail Askew PharmD to the position of executive director to bring an educator’s perspective to the discussions about future requirements for pharmacy technicians. Gail brings many years of experience as a pharmacist and technician educator and a unique understanding of the challenges facing the profession and has developed some strategies to begin formulating solutions.

J Pharm Technol 2009;25:378-80.

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