To request full article click here. OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of severe buttocks rash refractory to standard therapy that was treated successfully with cholestyramine 5% in Aquaphor. CASE SUMMARY: An infant developed a rash that worsened to a severe and very painful buttocks rash refractory to other therapies. When cholestyramine ointment was applied after every stooling, the rash was markedly improved within 2 days and completely resolved 7 days after therapy was initiated. DISCUSSION: Fecal expulsion of bile acids may be the reason for treatment-refractory severe buttocks rashes in infants. The use of topical cholestyramine ointment may lead to the resolution of problems even among previously determined treatment-refractory cases. This was shown elsewhere in a child on a promotility drug. CONCLUSIONS: Cholestyramine ointment can be compounded and may provide benefit for infants who have a severe buttocks rash that is refractory to traditional therapies. J Pharm Technol 2002;19:11-3. To request full article click here. |