To request full article click here. OBJECTIVE: To report apathetic and hypoactive depression caused by olanzapine. CASE SUMMARY: A 29-year-old white man and a 29-year-old white woman developed apathy, hypoactivity, blunted affect, depressed mood, and other depressive symptoms while taking olanzapine. Both showed a distinctly abnormal appearance. Clinicians attributed these symptoms to psychiatric illness, but the symptoms disappeared rapidly after drug discontinuation or dose decrease. DISCUSSION: The only previous report of depression from olanzapine involved a medication interaction with fluoxetine. Another report described olanzapine-induced orbital-frontal syndrome, with childlike oversimplicity. If such symptoms are observed, the discontinuation of olanzapine is recommended. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest additional cautions when olanzapine is used outside of schizophrenia. J Pharm Technol 2002;18:321-3. To request full article click here. |