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Our mission is to advance the pharmacy technician profession by fostering awareness and discussion of news, trends, research, and reviews covering all areas of pharmacy technician practice.

the journal of Pharmacy Technology

The pharmacy journal jPT provides valuable information for those interested in the entire body of pharmacy practice. jPT is a bi-monthly publication that covers new drugs, products, and equipment; therapeutic trends; organizational, legal, and educational activities; drug distribution and administration; and includes continuing education articles.
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Certification Review for Pharmacy Technicians, 8th Ed.

The eighth edition, suited for individual study or classroom use, prepares the pharmacy technician for all areas of the national certificate examination. Six certification-type practice exams, a complete overview of the top 200 prescription drugs, and an updated pharmacology section aid in the study process.

Price: $49.45

Evolution of Clinical Pharmacy

This collection is a useful addition to healthcare literature. All pharmacy schools are required to teach about the historical perspectives of pharmacy, and the evolution of clinical practice is among the most significant developments in the profession.

Price: $29.95